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생일 축하합니다~
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생일 축하합니다~!!
Hey what's up Moons!
I came back earlier than usual right? Well I'd decide to be active again as before. I'll keep trying to update but please don't expect much eh
So as can be seen on the title, today is MY CELEBRITY BOYFRIEND A.K.A NATION BOYFRIEND PARK BO-GUM'S BIRTHDAY~~!!!! SCREAM /insert fangirls scream/
OK I'll just be straightforward here I don't have much to wish but I manage to make a very simple editing for my boyfriend (ok larr gimme chance to daydreaming a bit ehek)
Oh before that, Park Bo-gum is coming back soon in both small and big screen! /insert another scream/ sobs sobs I'm so happy that he's back again!!! So first, I'll tell a bit about the drama that he'll be staring named Youth's Record (청춘 기록). Based on what I've read this drama background is about youth in the world of modelling. A bit details about the casts, Park Bo-gum taking the role as Sa Hye-joon, a model turned actor. Then we have Park So-dam (the one who acted in Parasite - yasss she's definitely the Jessica), who's taking the role as Ahn Jung-ha, a makeup artist and the second male lead, Byeon Woo-seok as Won Hae-hyo, a model and actor.

From left: Park Bo-gum, Park So-dam and Byun Woo-seok
Sounds interesting, right? And yesss I can't wait for this drama to start!!! START VERY PPALLI QUICK PLEASE!!!
Ok now, we move to the movie, and this one also very 흥미진진 (very interesting) looking forward and full of high expectation for serious I told ya because this movie title Wonderland /claps claps/ GUESS WHY THIS MOVIE WILL BE VERY INTERESTING AND WITH HIGH EXPECTATION??!!

Above from left: Gong Yoo, Tang Wei, Choi Woo-sik
Below from left: Park Bo-gum, Suzy, Jung Yu-mi
Can't you see all top actors from different generation are taking part in this movie OMG OMG. To be brief, this movie is about a woman whose boyfriend is in a coma and a man mourning the loss of his wife become clients for an artificial reality experience, known as 'Wonderland'. So here, Jung Yu-mi and Choi Woo-sik will play the two key engineers who are in charge of running 'Wonderland'. Suzy will play a woman whose boyfriend (Park Bo-gum) is in a coma, while Gong Yoo (ok my uncle crush also here ><) will play the role of a man mourning his late wife (Tang Wei).
Gong Yoo and Jung Yu-mi acted together in Silence, Train To Busan, and Kim Ji-young: Born 1982, while Gong Yoo and Suzy met during drama Big. Choi Woo-sik also appeared in Train To Busan and the one who act in Parasite as Ki-woo. All Gong Yoo, Choi Woo-sik, Suzy and Jung Yu-mi are from the same agency which is Management Soop while Park Bo-gum is in Blossom Entertainment. Both Gong Yoo and Park Bo-gum are together in the upcoming movie, Seo Bok (my two celebrity crushes)
Ok, I think that's all for now. Here I drop my simple editing for Park Bo-gum's birthday hehe, hope to see you soon, bye^^
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